Customer Testimonials

Customer care & quality of service are of the highest priority here at Camelot Q Sports.  This is why our genuine customer testimonials mean so much to us, and should do to you too.


Phil Jones

Hereford Snooker Table Installation

“Over the last two days Andy Rogers & Graham Smith have recovered my dads snooker table in Shropshire & installed my own snooker table yesterday & finished this evening with a strachan 6811 tournament gold cloth & tournament cushion rubbers”.

“All I can say is fantastic! The quality of workmanship & the experience of a true Riley professional is clear”.

“The table plays as if it is brand new. If only I could play to it’s very high standard. Practice will help”.

“Looking forward to many great battles on this table!”

“Highly recommend Camelot Q Sports. Thank you”.

Client Rating:

Helen Jones

Hereford Snooker Table Installation

“Highly recommend Camelot Q Sports! Great guys and fabulous service”.

“I have a VERY excited other half! He’s waited years to have his own ‘cave’ with snooker table. I think ALL his Christmas days came at once with this one. Just another week or two to finish the whole building and I reckon he’ll move in!”

“Thank you Graham and Andy! Hope you made it home safe through the floods”.

Client Rating:

Lee Chapman - GOL Newport

Newport Snooker Table Installation

“Great job by these guys on our new table highly recommended to anyone needing work done top quality and a great price. Now over to all our customers to enjoy”.

Client Rating:

Other Testimonial Information Here

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